This week on the cast, Chaos & Carnage celebrate Vincent Price Month and invite you to RSVP to a party at “House on Haunted Hill”.
Consult this podcast! Bring your seatbelts!
Welcome to April 2021, which, in They Mostly Podcast at Night’s case, is Vincent Price month. We kick off this special month with the original House on Haunted Hill from 1959. Join Chaos, Carnage, and the master of horror, Vincent Price, for this fun dive into partying and intrigue.
If you are a new listener to the PaNcast, be aware there are spoilers and expletives ahead! We break down the movie, go through a summary, offer analysis, trivia, arbitrary awards, reviews, ratings, fanfiction, and more!
“Woman wants a party, says man wants a party. Man wants a party, says woman wants a party. Both want violence and death. Things go awry.” – Carnage’s Five Second Summary
Who doesn’t love a party? Well Chaos and Carnage, the Introverts Extraordinaire don’t. But with a cash prize of $10,000 we will gird our loins and ride it out. It might be haunted you say? Well, shit, then we don’t even need the $10,000! We are in it for the cheap thrills. Okay, but we will take the money and, like, blow it all on hats.
Seven people enter a house, one person leaves. Wait, that might be a cage match, my mistake. Two hosts, two absent caretakers, five unknown party guests, a diabolical plot, an even more diabolical plot twist, and some previous murder history. Now you have yourself a party!
Go check out House on Haunted Hill unless you want to be spoiled like a skeleton that has been hanging out in acid just waiting for its next victim.
Then make sure to go check out this week’s episode to find out if it goes all down to the octagon with Chaos and Carnage.
House on Haunted Hill is streaming on Amazon Prime.
The post They Mostly Podcast At Night: House on Haunted Hill appeared first on Morbidly Beautiful.